Sunday, January 29, 2012

College-bound babies

How did it come to my last semester of high school?  Where has the time gone? Somehow, I’ve made it this far, and I know I can do it.  But we’re taking this journey together, remember? You and I, us, together, we can make it!
On another note, I was at the gym the other day, and on the TV I saw this commercial about the Gerber baby college plan.  Yeah, you read that right.  They have this college fund that parents can start saving for their babies.  It’s like, I know college is important and parents have to put money away for their children’s education, but doesn’t this seem a little ridiculous? I mean, when you’re out getting Gerber baby food, why not pick up a college fund while you’re at it?  This made me realize that parents have already planned your future for you, even when you’re too young to even say the word “college”.  Doesn’t this put pressure on you? Parents always have these expectations for you, and you feel like you have to live up to everything they want you to be.  At least that’s how I feel.  And I feel like they expect me to have it all figured out, and know what I what to do with my life.  But do I have a clue? Not at all.  I'm only just figuring out things about myself. 
Anyway, and then I was watching Glee and this isn’t an exact quote, but Kurt said something like this: “The future was always this idea, you know, a dream.  But then the future has the nerve to just show up at our door and expects us to do something about it.”  Amen to that.  Even though everything seems to be happening so fast, I know that the right opportunities will come to me, and I will be brave enough to take them.
Here's a little count to keep you updated:
# of schools applied to: 2
# of scholarships applied for: 1
# of schools accepted to: 1
# of scholarships earned: 0

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Start of the Journey

Hello!  Whoever might be reading this blog, I would advise you to prepare yourself, as you and I are about to embark on a glorious journey together.  And that, my friend, is called college.
After an internal battle with myself, I decided to start this blog.  I was hesitant, because I never keep up with the blogs I’ve made in the past.  But those were different times.  I’ve decided that this one is going to be the one.  Why, you ask? Because this blog is all about the college experience.  Applying to colleges, getting accepted into colleges, preparing for college, and then, yes, going to COLLEGE!
Here’s a little about me.  I'm a high school senior, ready to begin my journey, much like Bilbo in The Hobbit.  I have exactly one semester left of high school- one semester to get myself ready to enter the fiery pits of Mordor, or in my case, the real world.
Anyway, I also have many close friendships, like that of Frodo and Sam, whom I love to death. This blog is going to be one of the ways I intend to keep in touch with all of them. 
Ok, so if I promise to stop making the LOTR references, will you promise you take this journey with me, and stay with me to the very end, until we destroy the ring?  Haha, just kidding!
"Every journey begins with just one step."