Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Since I started this blog with a Lord of the Rings theme, and I just finished watching all three LOTR movies, I think I’ll tell you about some things I’ve taken away from them, and how they apply to my life.
            First, it feels good to have accomplished something.  I finished my first fall semester at BYU, and it’s been quite a journey.  Not quite like Frodo’s journey, but none the less, it’s an accomplishment. 
            Second, true friends and family are there till the end.  I’m so blessed to have a family that have been supporting me from the beginning, and friends that are there to stand by me along the way.  I couldn’t have done it without my wonderful family and friends.
            Third, the Lord carries us through our trials.  There is a part in the 3rd movie, where Sam and Frodo have almost made it to the top of the mountain, but Frodo is too exhausted to keep moving.  Sam looks at his friend and says with courage “I may not be able to carry your burden for you, but I can carry you.”  I think that the Lord hears our prayers and says “I can’t take your trial away, but I can lift you up and carry you through it”.  He strengthens us and helps us to make it through.  Just like Frodo could not have done it on his own, we can’t do it alone either. 
            Fourth, trials make us stronger.  At the time the road may seem tough, and we feel like we can’t make it, but we can.  And once we’ve made it through, we come out so much stronger.
            Fifth, it is nice to be home.  Whether in the beautiful green Shire or Idaho, land of the potatoes, home is home.  Today, I spent a relaxing and fun Christmas without a care in the world, other than to enjoy the time with my family.  I may not remember all the presents from years past, but I do remember all of us gathered around the tree-together.
            As the year is coming to a close, I can reflect on this past 2012 year with joy.  I had an amazing experience on choir tour to Seattle, spent spring break on the beach in Coronado, enjoyed the end of high school with my best friends, graduated high school, had the best summer of my life, and finished two semesters of college, and then returned home to spend the holidays with my family and friends.   Yeah, I’d say it’d been pretty good.  But the journey does not end here.  It is only just beginning. 

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